Bottom: Waiting for our southbound train at réamur-sébastopol.
I have more lovely photos, but little patience to wait for them to upload onto this page. I bought a Canon Rebel in order to better document my life abroad and today was the first time I fiddled around with the enhanced photo software. Needless to say, it was endlessly entertaining and I spent the majority of my evening altering photos rather than preparing for my exams (which, unfortunately, insist on happening in 2 weeks).
I must be more diligent at posting onto here. It's funny how there will be moments throughout the day when I think to myself, "I really wish I could write about what's happening right now" and I'll start to compose a mental draft in my head of what I'll write later. Of course, hours later when I'm finally in front of a computer, the inspiration has long abandoned me and this poor blog remains blank. I suppose that's why people have Twitters and small, handheld, beepy machines that log you onto the internet anywhere.
Anyway, I was going to write about Paris, but my good friend Theresa already has such a thorough and magnificent entry about it on her blog, so (because I am a lazy butt) I am referring all of you to her. We're together most of the time, so we have pretty much the same experiences throughout the day, except Theresa is much more eloquent and has a much longer fuse than I do. Go visit:
It is 2 am and I have set the unrealistic goal of getting to the library at 9 am. HA! However, I'm completely tuckered out and will be turning in for the night.
A plus!